Parties are fun and when P & T invited us to their German party, we knew it would be a fantastic night. Check out the drinks menu - sorry it's a bit blurred, and drinking hadn't started! How awesome are these hosts?
Of course there were bretzels! I meant to find out where the bretzels came from... will let you know.
Unfortunately because of work I couldn't drink much so this made my night. Thank you, T for slaving over the grill making wurst after wurst for us. Complete with sauerkraut and mustard... yum, yum!
This is a viking wurst...
It's a frat party!

Thank you, P & T!

Thank you, P & T!
At 9/07/2006 11:33:00 PM,
wheresmymind said…
Where are the huge stiens of beer??? Those brats look in-credible :)
At 9/10/2006 08:15:00 AM,
Belinda said…
We brought our own Steins! I love how in the US you say brats but we say wursts. Brats is so much easier to say after 1 stein or 2!
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